Late to the article but as a avid pot smoker from France, I was shook when I tried "bush weed" in Africa and the Caribbean. Weed that is more balanced with lesser THC content and better THC/CBD ratio, it was old school weed with seeds, less potent, more like your ditch weed, you could smoke it pure (whereas where I'm from we need to cut it with tobacco or it doesn't consummate, French people never got interested in bongs or pipe or dabs - for we love nicotine and artisanal joint rolling), the high was more balanced "cleaner" less paranoia inducing. The plants were grown outside in real soil with real sun, as for the food we eat I realized it played a huge role in the "vibe" of the high I got. The year before that I was in Denmark where I first got exposed to super potent industrial weed, gave me anxiety and took down even experienced French pot smokers... it was super dirty and I shudder to think this is what North Americans have access to, especially young people. This shit will induce anxiety in about anyone and it's as dirty as a pesticide ladder tomato grown under artificial light.... as always we have made a mockery of the real stuff

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Very nice article.

I agree with the commenter above who mentioned ditch weed being potentially better for health.

Just like in humans, mature women who don't reproduce often have a lot of negative thoughts, feelings, and regrets. I think a similar thing happens with mature female weed plants that never reproduced: there's a tendency toward antsy-ness and neuroticism that I think comes through when smoling sensemillia.

Maybe it's retarded, but it seems intuitive.

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I don't have full access to this but thought you might be interested in this experience: https://www.thefp.com/p/america-the-stoned-is-legal-weed-a-bad-idea

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